Thematic Construction of Digital Visual Arts: Implications for Digital Pedagogy




semiotics, signs, student artists, thematic representation


This paper attempts to describe the signifier choice of student artists in thematic representations of digital visual arts and determine its implications for digital pedagogy. Utilising a qualitative approach to research and covering a corpus of six digital artworks of student artists, the semiotic analysis utilising Peirce’s (1991) sign modes showed the student artists’ preference for mostly indexical and symbolic signifiers in thematic representations of Filipinos’ resiliency to the pandemic. This signifier choice of student artists was influenced by their experience, family, self, other artists, and their initiatives for finding information and drawing inspiration from online sources, as revealed in the conducted Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the participants. Moreover, the individual interviews with the participants demonstrated that the student artists’ choice of signifiers served as a vehicle for expression, representation, and impression of ideas, themes, and abstractions dominating their artworks. This study calls for the integration of digital artmaking tools into pedagogy to provide opportunities for artistic expression and support diverse representation. Teachers can introduce various digital tools and platforms, create assignments that encourage creative experimentation, and foster a safe and inclusive classroom environment. Future research could explore the practical applications of digital pedagogy in visual arts education.

Author Biography

Richard Mendoza Bañez, Batangas State University

Richard Mendoza Bañez is an associate professor specialising in undergraduate and graduate teacher education programs at Batangas State University, JPLPC-Malvar Campus. He has an Ed.D. in Educational Management and a Master of Arts in Teaching degree in English. His primary focus centers on language and literature pedagogy, particularly in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL), empowering students to engage in dynamic curricular opportunities. As a researcher, he explores the intricate roles of language in educational leadership, supervision, and other crucial topics related to educational innovation. He is also an aspiring literary artist, with his works featured in publications such as Covid-19 pandemic poems by Cape Comorin Publisher, Love letters in poetic verse and Castles and courtyards by Southern Arizona Press, and Spring offensive by CultureCult Press. Email:



How to Cite

Bañez, R. M. (2023). Thematic Construction of Digital Visual Arts: Implications for Digital Pedagogy. Journal of Learning for Development, 10(2), 196–209.



Research Articles
Received 2022-08-23
Accepted 2023-06-22
Published 2023-07-18