Open Badges as Credentials in Open Education Systems: Case Studies from Greece and Europe




open badges, eLearning, open and lifelong learning, informal learning, gamification, open learning environments


Badges are digital representations of achievements or skills which describe the framework, significance, and outcomes of a learning procedure based on specific criteria. The Open Badges’ collection can be used as a virtual CV of skills and qualifications to their holder. The practice of development, issue, and use of Badges is connected with Gamification elements, as the incentive towards positive behavior and as a powerful pedagogical tool. Furthermore, the use of Open Badges could become an alternative certification system for skills and knowledge acquired in online, blended learning environments and other informal learning systems. In this paper, we present Case Studies where Open Badges have been used as credentials for evaluation of educational practices in pilot educational systems either in non-formal education or informal learning systems with specific emphasis on open learning environments. Key insights from analysing the Case Studies highlight Open Badges’ extended use and value stressing the need to make a common system of evaluation and accreditation in open online learning environments.


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How to Cite

Papadimitriou, S. T., & Niari, M. I. (2019). Open Badges as Credentials in Open Education Systems: Case Studies from Greece and Europe. Journal of Learning for Development, 6(1).



Research Articles
Received 2018-09-11
Accepted 2019-01-25
Published 2019-03-20