Exploring Offline e-Learning for Resilience: A Case Study





offline e-learning, Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Aptus


There are too few teachers and schools to meet the need for quality universal basic education. Therefore, alternative approaches to education provision need to be explored, such as open and distance learning methods and development and provision of curriculum-based Open Educational Resources (OER). However, distribution of printed materials is increasingly costly, and distribution of digital resources remains a challenge in areas with little or no connectivity. This case study explores the potential of using offline strategies to share digital OER. It suggests it is possible to provide access to digital learning resources even in the most remote areas by using appropriate technology, like the Commonwealth of Learning’s Aptus device.

Author Biographies

Tony John Mays, Commonwealth of Learning

Dr Tony John Mays is Director: Education at the Commonwealth of Learning and also leads the Open Schooling initiative. Email: tmays@col.org

Ricky Cheng, Commonwealth of Learning

Mr Ricky Zhiyong Cheng is COL's Knowledge Services Manager. Ricky’s work includes the deployment of various systems on SharePoint, Dspace and other pilot projects. Email: rcheng@col.org



How to Cite

Mays, T. J., & Cheng, R. (2024). Exploring Offline e-Learning for Resilience: A Case Study. Journal of Learning for Development, 11(2), 304–310. https://doi.org/10.56059/jl4d.v11i2.1288



Case Studies
Received 2023-11-29
Accepted 2024-07-09
Published 2024-07-21