Perception about and Effect of Adaptive Educational Application on Electronics Topics on Students’ Virtual Spaces, Motivation, Satisfaction and Active Role




ICT, higher education, adaptive application, electronics, data science


Currently, educators seek to offer personalised contents to facilitate autonomy during the educational process. The aim of this mixed study (quantitative and qualitative approach) was to build and analyse the effectiveness of the Adaptive Educational application on electronics topics (AEET) considering Data Science (machine learning algorithm on linear regression). In particular, AEET presents the content about logic gates, considering student learning style, through a web simulator, digital files, and YouTube videos. The participants were 41 students from the National School of Earth Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico. The results of the machine learning algorithm on linear regression indicated that the content of AEET positively affected the creation of virtual educational environments, motivation, satisfaction, and active role. At the National School of Earth Sciences, the use of AEET facilitated personalised learning at any time, autonomy, and flexibility of space during the educational process. In conclusion, it was found that AEET is a technological development that improved learning about logic gates through a web simulator, digital files, and YouTube videos.

Author Biography

Ricardo-Adán Salas-Rueda, Instituto de Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Dr. Ricardo-Adán Salas-Rueda is a Doctor in Design of New Technologies and a full-time academic at the National School of Earth Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico. His publications are related to research in the use of data science in the educational field, and development of intelligent applications for the teaching-learning process. Email:



How to Cite

Salas-Rueda, R.-A. (2024). Perception about and Effect of Adaptive Educational Application on Electronics Topics on Students’ Virtual Spaces, Motivation, Satisfaction and Active Role. Journal of Learning for Development, 11(3), 447–462.



Research Articles
Received 2023-11-21
Accepted 2024-10-23
Published 2024-11-19