Reflecting on the Impact of the Open Education Movement


  • Grainne Conole Professor Gráinne Conole is Head of Open Education Unit, National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University, Ireland.
  • Mark Brown



Open education movement, Open Educational Resources, E-textbooks, Massive Open Online Course, 7Cs of Learning Design framework, SAMR model, ICAP framework


This paper critiques the rise and impact of the open education movement, focusing in particular on Higher Education. It considers the impact of adopting more open practices on learning, teaching and research. In terms of the impact on learning it describes three aspects: Open Educational Resources, e-textbooks and Massive Open Online Courses. In terms of the impact on teaching it describes three frameworks which can guide the design process: the 7Cs of Learning Design framework, the SAMR model and the ICAP framework. Finally, it considers the impact on research. The paper concludes by considering the barriers and enablers associated with adopting more open practices.


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How to Cite

Conole, G., & Brown, M. (2018). Reflecting on the Impact of the Open Education Movement. Journal of Learning for Development, 5(3).



Invited Articles
Received 2018-09-21
Accepted 2018-09-21
Published 2018-11-19