2020 VOL. 7, No. 3
Abstract: To aid students during COVID-19, the University of Pikeville transitioned all undergraduate classes to no-cost alternatives for course textbooks. Additionally, the academic calendar was modified for the first time in the institution’s 130-year history from a traditional 16-week semester to 8-week block scheduling. This case study explores strategies, approaches to corresponding with constituents, and lessons learned in leading an institution through two major curricular changes in under six months in response to a global pandemic.
Keywords: Open Educational Resources, calendar changes, coronavirus.
Concern continually surrounds enrollment at small, tuition-driven institutions. Loss of even a few students can negatively affect the campus community. With predictions of up to a 20% drop in enrollment at four-year colleges in fall 2020 amid coronavirus uncertainties (Jaschik, 2020) institutions around the world began contingency planning.
At the University of Pikeville (UPIKE), a liberal arts-based school of opportunity in the United States, conversations in the spring of 2020 centered upon two key factors for institutional health: enrollment and retention. The university community recognised that while cost has always been a major driver of student choice, the situation was exacerbated by job loss and the uncertainties of COVID-19.
Amid this backdrop, and with the goals of addressing student financial need and academic success in a flexible and sustainable approach, the university embarked on two significant changes prior to fall 2020: transition to no-cost alternatives for all course texts and conversion from a 16- to an eight-week course format.
Initiatives using OER to reduce student costs are not uncommon. Conversion of all courses within a highly compressed timeframe, as done here in under six months, is atypical. Additionally, although many colleges offer options for eight-week courses, institutional conversion from 16- to eight-week scheduling is uncommon, particularly at liberal arts institutions. Our approach, and what we have learned from these initiatives, told here from the point of view of the Provost and Professional Development specialists, may be valuable to others considering similar strategies.
In mid-March, the University Provost convened a task force composed of the Provost, Assistant Provost, Dean of Student Success, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and the Office of Professional Development to evaluate eliminating textbook costs as well as moving from 16- to eight-week courses. The task force was charged with reviewing research, communicating with the campus community, and preparing a formal recommendation. This report, including budgetary needs, personnel implications, and an implementation timeline was to be ready for consideration by the Cabinet the first week of April.
Prior to engaging the community at large, task force members systematically reviewed the literature. Research on the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) or other free textbook options suggested that they positively impact students. OER were found not only to save money (Griffiths et al, 2018; Hilton et al, 2013) but also to improve student outcomes such as access to learning materials, pass rates, satisfaction with a course, and the number of credits taken (Martin et al, 2017; Murphy & Rose, 2018; Pina, & Moran, 2018; Wiley et al, 2016).
Primary literature related to accelerated/compressed courses was also compelling. Accelerated courses were found to be equal to or improve overall student success compared to traditional-length courses (Tatum, 2010). These findings were consistent regardless of the class delivery modality (Anastasi, 2007; Boeding, 2016) or student demographics (Austin & Gustafson, 2006). Compressed courses were found to lead to higher student grades and lower withdrawal rates compared to longer courses (Gamboa, 2013; Sheldon & Durdella, 2010).
Following assessment of the literature, conversations began with key academic leaders. Task force members were each assigned contacts. The purpose of this dialogue was to share findings related to potential changes and gather feedback for writing recommendations. In addition to discourse with faculty, discussions took place with the following offices: Registrar, Offices of Admissions and Financial Aid, Tutoring/Academic Excellence, Student Affairs, and Public Relations.
Focus groups with key student leaders were organised to present the idea of a no-cost text initiative and calendar modifications, and solicit feedback. The Dean of CAS led these focus groups, took copious notes, and shared findings with the task force.
Ultimately, the task force presented the President with a synthesis of research findings, campus feedback, and a formal recommendation. After reviewing this, the President supported the proposal and discussed it with the Board of Trustees, who similarly voiced support.
With leadership approval, the Provost engaged in strategic planning and drafted a marketing plan with Public Relations that announced the change. Internally, the changes were introduced first by the President via a campus-wide email. The announcement detailed the initiatives, impact on student success, and feedback from campus constituents. In addition, virtual luncheons, college-level meetings facilitated by deans, one-on-one discussions with faculty and staff, and continued dialogue with the Admissions, Financial Aid, and Business Offices took place. Externally, announcements were made via email and various social media platforms. The greatest impact came from a short video released on Twitter.
A calling campaign was launched to speak individually to all current students and their families in the two months following the public announcement. Twenty-five leaders contacted families to discuss planned changes, answer questions, and build relationships. Students and their families relayed annual textbook costs of over $2,000. Summer employment, we learned, is typically when students save for books. During COVID-19 saving money was not possible. Students were living at home and unemployed, not by choice but due to job loss. Many families were aware of the initiatives from PR releases; for others the phone call was the first they had heard of the changes. Parents and students saw free textbooks as a transformational initiative that would alleviate a significant financial burden.
The situation was different in relation to student and family views of the transition from 16- to eight-week courses. While the move to no-cost texts immediately connected, there were many questions about accelerated classes, due in large part to their unfamiliarity with this approach. The literature review was invaluable in discussing the benefit to students. This minimised concerns about taking fewer concurrent courses in a compressed format.
The task force identified instructor support as vital. In response, a number of part-time, temporary employees were added to the Office of Professional Development. Seven faculty were selected based on their success during the Spring 2020 online transition in teaching students and mentoring colleagues. These individuals were offered a stipend to serve as “Learning Designers” (LDs) during the summer. Each LD was assigned faculty outside their department, and served as a point of contact and mentor for those restructuring courses. In addition, an Instructional Designer (ID) and Instructional Technology Trainer (ITT) were temporarily hired to work with instructors on course design and provide weekly virtual training.
Faculty were apprehensive about situations where no-cost alternatives were not available. This was of particular concern in specialised subjects such as nursing, teacher education, and some upper-division courses. To ameliorate anxiety, the Provost redirected $50,000 in savings for purchasing items where no OER existed. An application process was developed wherein an instructor wishing to have their course materials purchased for students would submit a form requesting funding. Instructors were encouraged to search OER and library databases but could also seek assistance. A completed application for funding included a statement from either the Office of Professional Development or a librarian indicating what OER or eBook resources were found during the search process, a statement of support from the college dean, and the cost of the material. Applications were reviewed by a faculty committee to determine which would be approved, with preference given to eBooks that could be added to our library collection for ongoing use.
In today’s turbulent environment, collaboration is more important than ever. The ability to execute strategic initiatives depends on combining peoples’ potential and willingness to share knowledge. University leadership discovered that in times of emergent crisis, innovation is triggered by three major factors.
As the department spearheading implementation of these innovations, the Office of Professional Development identified several lessons to be learned valuable to our future plans and those considering similar initiatives.
In relation to the move from 16- to eight-week classes, several dynamics became evident that are relevant to any planned schedule shift.
As a result of COVID-19, in under six months UPIKE changed the academic structure of courses through two significant initiatives both directed at improving student success. In doing so, we reasserted our commitment to student-centered and sustainable practice at all institutional levels. These efforts addressed the immediate needs of students for fall 2020, and have been reaffirmed as priorities for spring 2021. These classes are also being converted to eight-week blocks and another $50,000 has been allocated for special material funding.
Our journey was not seamless. Success required investing both time and money: time to listen to diverse voices; time in supporting those impacted by the initiatives; money for hiring mentors and experts who could effectively guide others. Furthermore, communities of practice where faculty could work within a trusted environment proved to be a vital part of this transition, particularly in addressing mental barriers to change. This investment, in conjunction with the efforts put forth by non-academic units, made this re-investment in our students possible.
Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank the task force, particularly Dr. Mathys Meyer, for their work in the efforts described herein.
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Austin, A., & Gustafson, L. (2006). Impact of course length on student learning. Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 5(1), 26-37. http://www.afa-srjc.org/senate_AustinGustafson.pdf
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Dr. Eric Werth is the Professional Development Manager at the University of Pikeville. He works with faculty on improving student learning through the use of technology, online instruction, and open practices. His research interests relate to the use of Open Pedagogy in higher education. Email: ericwerth@upike.edu
Katherine Williams is the Professional Development Educator at the University of Pikeville. She works with faculty on improving student learning through the use of technology, online instruction, and open practices. Her research interests include post-colonial and open pedagogies and disrupting neoliberalism in the academy. Email: katherinewilliams@upike.edu
Dr. Lori Werth is the Provost at the University of Pikeville. As a Fulbright Scholar and researcher, she led an initiative in collaboration with Khan Academy bringing support to over 10,000 students. Having taught face-to-face and online, Dr. Werth understands the value of technology in supporting teaching and learning. Email: loriwerth@upike.edu
Cite this paper as: Werth, E., Williams, K., & Werth, L. (2020). Reports fostering rapid institution-wide curricular change in response to COVID-19. Journal of Learning for Development, 7(3), 416-422.